Sunday 28 March 2021

Build Web ChatApp with Vanilla JavaScript and CSS BONUS GLASS BACKGROUND DESIGN

Hello... 🚀🚀🚀
These are beautiful days today I just finished a chat application with vanilla JavaScript and of course the only CSS. So, this project is an interactive web application with a glass background design and with an elegant appearance, hopefully this can help all of you guys.

For all of you who want to immediately clone this project, you can just visit my GitHub repo hereAfter you clone this project from GitHub, you can immediately try the application as quickly as possible. Or you can just open your terminal and enter the following command

git clone -b master

And you can develop this application with additional databases or you can try to apply firebase to this project so that it can store your user data. As often as you guys practice the better, so do it. 🔥🔥🔥

Thank you guys, see you again later. ✌✌✌

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